The Festival

what is kirtan rasa?

Kirtan Rasa is an annual festival organized by a kirtan loving community based out of the Middle East with 2000+ dedicated chanters. The festival first started in 2017 and has been going on engaging devotees chanting with soul & heart. 

our kirtan sanga

The festival is foremost inspired by our spiritual grandfather and founder of the ISKCON movement, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada who brought the chanting of Hare Krsna to the entire world.We take our inspiration from bringing in some of the most inspiring kirtan leaders of our generation to take us through kirtans. The mood, mindset and spiritual strength of the kirtan leaders makes the festival pure and above the material realm. It's not always just about the music, it's about the energy!


The festival serves free sanctified prasadam (food) which is healthy, hearty and cooked with love. Prasadam is the fuel of the chanting for our devotees in the festival.


We make our best effort to create a spectacular chanting experience by setting up the hall and kirtan mandali to encourage devotees to find a sacred space for chanting.


Every part of the service for the festival is not only organized by a core team, but an entire community of loving devotees coming together and joining hands.

maha damodarastakam

Have you ever experienced 1500 lamps being offered at once in unison? At Kirtan Rasa we have the most beautiful experience of offering lamps together while chanting the special Damodarastakam prayer.


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